Hey! I’m Simone,

I’m so glad you’re here.

Are you struggling to keep your head above water?

The waves just keep coming and you can’t get a break.

You could deny there’s any problem, try to self-help your way out of it or hope and pray it will go away.

I really don’t recommend that. There is an easier way. A faster way to get to where you want to go.

It’s not your fault you weren’t given an instruction booklet for coping with life’s storms. I wasn’t either.

It’s not your fault you haven’t been taught to manage uncomfortable thoughts and emotions. I wasn’t either.

It’s not your fault you haven’t had role modelled how to be kind to yourself. I wasn’t either.

Please know this, however you’re feeling right now. It’s not your fault.

Please know this. You’re not broken and this state or place you’re in is temporary. I promise.

I get it. I’ve been there.

There is another way. It all begins with three little words. I need help.

Almost a decade ago I hit breaking point.

I was burnt out, exhausted and started questioning was this really all there was to life?

I realised I was…

  • A chronic people pleaser. Putting others needs waaaayy ahead of my own and far too worried about what others thought.

  • Drinking from a bone dry, cracked china cup. My self-care was virtually non-existent. Self-care, what was that?!

  • Drowning in self-doubt and overthinking. Even though I appeared pretty cool, calm and confident on the outside.

  • Lost at sea. Stuck in a career or a system that was not lighting me up, no matter how hard I tried to make it.

Something had to give. Something had to change.


Can you relate?

Hands up if you’re…

  • a people pleaser

  • a perfectionist

  • a massive overthinker/worrier/ruminator

  • exhausted or burnt out

  • (un) lucky last on your priority list


What if?

It didn’t have to be this way and you could experience…

  • More joy and energy in your daily life

  • A greater sense of inner peace and calm

  • A deeper connection with family and friends

  • More presence and purpose

  • A kinder relationship with yourself

Many years on and I’ve found greater joy, a sense of inner peace and contentment than I thought was possible. I am resilient.

I navigate life through six key pillars.

  1. Presence - using mindfulness and meditation

  2. The self - self-care, self-kindness, self-compassion and strengthening sense of self

  3. Knowledge - an awareness of how the mind works, stress and its impact on the body

  4. Connection - with my core values, strengths and purpose

  5. Action - committed and consistent

  6. Support - finding my crew

I offer a safe, non-judgemental space to help you navigate life’s highs and lows. I will help you move from drowning at sea or treading water to being the captain of your own ship. Using evidence based techniques and proven strategies, you will develop a tool kit that won’t just help you through this time but will become your toolkit for life.

“You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.”

— Jon Kabat-Zinn

Ready to be the captain of your own ship (life)?